Welcome to the English part of my website! 
More images and content will magically appear when you check this website again, in a long time from now. In the meantime, if you'd like to get in touch, drop me a message below!

Thank you!
Some day I might want to start a newsletter. 
With social media being the way it is, it's nice to have some actual contact info to the people who care about what I do. So if that's you, leave a message above <3

Most importantly - give me your email address (and let me know if you prefer communicating in English or Norwegian. If you don't write anything I'll assume English). 
But if you'd like I'd also love to know 
how long (ca.) you've been following what I do, 
if there's a particular style or image I've made that you really like,
where you're from, and a little bit about yourself.

I will try my best to send you a short email to verify I've got the message in a relatively short time (give me a month). And then you'll be ready to - someday - receive a fun update about my art/life/dreams at some point in the future! 
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